STBOHICA.JPG SyntheToonz, Inc. --------- BohicaJelly.jpeg A glass jar filled with goo illustrates a rather graphic acronym I learned while in the Air Force. The floor tiles are a couple of Essence I textures. Done with Imagine. +-------------------------------------++-------------------------------------+ | Kenneth Jennings, Amiga Advocate || ====== Equine Video Studios ====== | | "Happy I'm not a PC/Mac lemming." || ====== & SyntheToonz, Inc. ====== | | || >>>>>>>> Lynn, Video Maven <<<<<<<< | | Applied Automation Techniques, Inc. || > Ken, Computer Animation Artiste < | | Obviously not the opinions of AAT. || >>>>>>> Bruno The Wonder Dog <<<<<< | +-------------------------------------++-------------------------------------+ "You'd think that PC and Mac users willing to gut their systems to achieve the Amiga's level of performance would just save themselves the trouble and buy Amigas in the first place. But they don't know any better -- they read BYTE."